
My summer of 2016

Welcome to my blog. This is where I’m going to post all of the things I think a kid should do the summer before middle school. So to start we need a list of things to do. It just so happens that I have a list and here it is.

  1. Run a 5K
  2. Hang out by the pool with friends
  3. Act in a play with friends
  4. Travel to Seattle
  5. Babysitting for the first time
  6. Ride a roller coaster at Valley Fair
  7. Meet new friends at summer camp Safari
  8. Hit the beach – Bush Lake beach
  9. See old mentors
  10. Going to friends birthday
  11. Seeing cousins
  12. Cabin time with friends
  13. Summer sleep over
  14. Family game night
  15. Friends and family movie night
  16. Bike riding
  17. Dance camp
  18. Horse back riding
  19. Swimming at the community pool
  20. Jump in the lake from a boat
  21. Making food with Grandma
  22. Kickball game with family
  23. Making and trying new foods
  24. Art Classes
  25. Camping with cousins
  26. Take me out the ballgame
  27. Middle School camps
  28. Fathers day fun
  29. Canterbury race track
  30. Write a summer blog

This is going to be a fun summer with family and friends!

P.S. picture was taken on a family hike


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Now we finally went to Notre-Dame. I was very excited to go because I wanted to see the gargoyles. The gargoyles look so cool. There were so many different ones to look at. You had to go up this skinny stair way. There where so many stairs it felt so good to finally get to the top. The view was so pretty I loved looking at it. I wish I could go back there it was so pretty and I had so much fun in Pairs with my family.

The Eiffel Tower


I had so much fun in Normandy but now it’s time to talk about Paris. Paris was so much and there were so many things that you could do. My family and I had to say goodbye to my grandma and grandpa in Normandy. After that we whet on a train to pairs and that was Dylan’s and I first time ever being on one. Once we got to Pairs one of the first things we did was going to the Eiffel Tower. You had to take an elevator to get to the section you want. There are tree sections the first section there was a restaurant that you could go to. Then you had to take the elevator again to go up to the second section. The second section was just a look out place. The last section was at the very top. We went to the very top and it was so scary to look down because you are so hight up in the air. After that we came back down and walked back to are apartment to go and get some food.

Utah Beach


The next thing that we did was go to tree different beaches. Utah Beach was one of them. It was so pretty to look at. Then there was a museum that we went into. There was a movie playing and a lot of things to look at. My dad told me to look at this boat that he pointed at but I didn’t know why. Then he told me that it was my grate grandpa’s boat that he drove. I though that it was very cool that I could see what it look like. After that Dylan and I then went out side to go play at the beach that look very nice. We played in the sand for a little and then went home.

Pointe du Hoc


In Normandy my family and I when to go see Pointe du Hoc. It’s a very big cliff overlooking the English Channel. Pointe du Hoc is on the coast of Normandy in northern France. It was so pretty there and my family loved it. I was a little scared because it was so hight up. There were many other things there that you could do. We saw a lot of  craters in the ground by all of the bombs. We just had so much fun and if I could I would go there again.

Normandy Countryside


It was beautiful and neat there. This is my first favorite thing I did in Normandy. The scenery was so pretty. Every morning and night there was a beautiful sunrise and sunset. There was a little swing at the bottom of the yard. Dylan and I would love to go down and play on the swing. The house was so amazing. The yellow house is were my family and I stayed. One of the houses was barn that the owner turned it into beautiful house. I had so much fun in Normandy.

My Top Favorite Things I Did In Normandy & Paris!


IMG_3796I’m going to tell you my top favorite things I did in Paris. I hope you like them and I had a lot of fun in Normandy and in Paris. I went to Normandy for three days.  My grandma and grandpa rented a house for the six of us. I had so much fun in Normandy, and now I’m going to tell my favorite things.

Horse camp

imageHorse camp was so much fun. I love it because we got to take care of our horse. My horse’s name was Huck. He was very skinny. You got to saddle your horse. That was fun. You got to trot with your horse. Also you go bareback, that mens you ride your horse with no saddle.  Cant wait for next year.

Stay cool

Cougar camp

image I am going into sixth grade now. I’m very nervous and excited. It’s going to be a new school. Sense it is a new school they have this club called cougar camp, they show you around, they give you your locker combination and you get to see where your classes are.   They get you excited and ready for school. Can’t wait for six grade it!!!

Stay cool



Valleyfair was so fun. That was the sixth thing on my list. I went with one of my best friend’s Riley she went with her family and I went with mine. It was her first time on the wild thing she was nervous at first but at the end she loved it. We went on a couple more rides after that. Then we went to the waterpark it was really fun. Riley and I went on so many water slides. Then we had to go, I was sad that we had to leave but I still had a fun time.

Stay cool

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